Langley for Families donates $75,000 to Local Organizations
The Langley for Families Foundation has donated $75,000 to local organizations that focus on family issues in the Hampton Roads area. The nine recipients mark the Foundation’s first grant awardees since launching last December. Monies were raised through various fundraising activities during the year.
“The volunteers worked very hard to raise money this first year, and the results enabled the Foundation to help the selected local agencies to feed, house and support thousands of people in Hampton Roads. Langley for Families is encouraged by the support of sponsors and individual donors who made the fundraising events a success. People want to help and give. They trust the Foundation will be a good steward of the money and ensure the funds help those in need.”
—Marilyn Kuhn, Chairperson, Langley for Families
The following organizations received contributions from the Foundation:
- Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeast Virginia
- Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia
- Hospice House and Support Care of Williamsburg
- LINK of Hampton Roads
- March of Dimes
- Peninsula Agency on Aging
- Virginia Peninsula Foodbank

Pictured: (left to right) Deborah Stitzer-Brame, EDMARC Executive Director; Lynne Finding, LINK of Hampton Roads Executive Director; Gary Hunter, Langley AVP Corporate Relations; Marilyn Kuhn, Langley For Families Chairperson; Audrey Smith, Hospice House and Support Care of Williamsburg Executive Director; Tom Ryan, Langley President/CEO; and Bill Massey, Peninsula Agency on Aging CEO.

Pictured: (left to right) Jason Robinson, Foodbank of Southeastern VA and the Eastern Shore Director of Communications; Gary Hunter, Langley AVP Corporate Relations; Marilyn Kuhn, Langley For Families Chairperson; Michele Benson, Foodbank of the VA Peninsula Chief Development Officer; Steven Kast, Boys & Girls Clubs of the VA Peninsula & Southeast VA CEO; Tom Ryan, Langley President/CEO; and Karen Joyner, Foodbank of the VA Peninsula CEO.