Langley for Families Foundation Donations Exceed $1 Million in 2022

Langley employees volunteered at the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank for Langley’s 3rd annual MLK Jr. Day of Service
Celebrating over $1 million in Grants for 2022
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – (January 15, 2023) – The Langley for Families Foundation surpassed the $1 million dollar mark again this year, with a total of $1,029,780 distributed to nonprofits over the course of 2022. Combined with the philanthropic efforts of Langley Federal Credit Union, donations exceeded $1.6 million.
The donations assisted 137 regional nonprofit organizations in addition to Langley’s continued support of CHKD’s new mental health hospital in Norfolk. The funded organizations focused on four program areas: healthcare, housing and human services, safety and security, and education.
Since its start in 2014, the Foundation has donated over $4.6 million to nonprofit organizations serving individuals and families struggling to make ends meet. These funds were generated from generous employees, members and successful fundraising events such as the annual golf tournament and cash raffle.
“Due to inflation over the course of 2022, many nonprofits saw an increased need for their services as well as increased costs to provide those services,” said President & CEO Tom Ryan. “Surpassing the $1 million milestone was a huge accomplishment for our staff and members, and uniquely positioned Langley to support our community’s most impactful nonprofit partners, ensuring critical resources and services were available for our friends and neighbors in need.”
Langley Federal Credit Union also made a profound economic impact in the region beyond charitable giving. With more than $4.1 billion in member deposits, $4.4 billion in member loans and more than 350,000 members, Langley plays an important everyday role in the Hampton Roads community.
Click Here for Langley’s 2022 Community Impact Report
Highlights from Langley’s 2022 community impact:
- Donated $160,000 in scholarships to local universities, teachers and graduating high school seniors, a 28% increase from 2021 in scholarship contributions
- Donated $10,000 to American Red Cross of Coastal Virginia to support the Hurricane Ian recovery efforts of deployed Virginians after the storm had devastated the Fort Myers area and over a dozen surrounding counties in Florida
- Langley received two awards recognizing community impact efforts:
- Habitat for Humanity Peninsula & Greater Williamsburg presented Langley with an award for their legacy support of their Housing Partnership program
- Edmarc recognized Langley for their support and advocacy efforts as they expand their service area from South Hampton Roads into the Peninsula and James City County. Langley is providing office space at cost to Edmarc as they expand the reach of their service area to the Upper Peninsula
Employee Impact
- Employee giving reached an all-time high with just over $51k donated to the Langley for Families Foundation through Langley’s payroll giving program. Combined with Langley Federal Credit Union’s 100% match on these contributions, the Foundation distributed $103,110 to employee-nominated nonprofits
- Between volunteer services provided on Langley’s 3rd annual MLK Jr. Day of Service, National Volunteer Week in April, and a variety of other community projects completed over the course of the year, Langley employees volunteered a total of 2,370 hours, an estimated value of $70,000
- Langley’s senior team volunteered to serve on 28 nonprofit Boards of Directors
- During the holidays, Langley employees fulfilled the holiday wish lists of 100 foster children through Tidewater Friends of Foster Care’s Adopt-A-Child initiative
2022 Nonprofit Grant Recipients
Alcove Health | Literacy for Life |
Alternatives, Inc. | Make-A-Wish Foundation Of Greater Virginia |
Alzheimer’s Association | Menchville House Ministries |
American Cancer Society | Mercy Chefs |
American Diabetes Association | Mercy Medical Angels |
American Red Cross of Coastal Virginia | MS Society |
An Achievable Dream | Mutts With A Mission |
Armed Services YMCA of Hampton Roads | Network Peninsula |
Autism Society, Tidewater Virginia | New Beech Grove Community Development |
Avalon Center | New Choices New Minds |
Bacon Street Youth and Family Services | New Vision Youth Services, Inc. |
Barry Robinson Center | Newport News Green Foundation |
Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation | Norfolk Senior Center d.b.a Primeplus Senior Centers |
Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc. | Old Dominion University |
Bloom Mental Health Foundation | Operation Breakingthrough Inc |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeast Virginia | Operation Homefront |
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula | Our Youth Our Future Foundation |
Center for Child and Family Services | Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Inc. |
Center For Sexual Assault Survivors | Patient Advocate Foundation Inc |
Chesapeake Humane Society | Peake Child Development Center |
Children’s Assistive Technology Service | Peninsula Agency on Aging |
Childrens Health Investment Program Inc | Peninsula Community Foundation |
Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (CKHD) | Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA |
Church Women United | Peninsula Reads |
CNU Education Foundation | Places & Programs Children’s Harbor |
College of William & Mary | Poquoson Education Foundation |
Colonial Court Appointed Special Advocate | Postpartum Support Virginia |
Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America | Priority Automotive Charities |
Colonial Williamsburg | Project Connection Foundation, Inc. |
Commonwealth Catholic Charities | REACH, Inc. (Reading Enriches All Children) |
Communities In Schools of Hampton Roads | Riverside Health System Foundation (Bethune Hill Community Health Clinic) |
Connect With A Wish Inc | Roc Solid Foundation |
Council of Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squads Inc. | Ronald McDonald House Charities of Norfolk VA Inc. |
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater Inc. | Safe House Project |
Daniel’s Grace | Samaritan House Inc |
DCU for Kids | Social Butterflies Foundation |
Don Carey Reech Foundation | Starbase Victory Inc |
Dream Catchers | STOP Inc. |
Dreams of Hope Foundation | Suffolk Education Foundation |
Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation | Survivor Ventures |
Edmarc | Tabb High Tiger Band Parents Association Inc. |
Eliza Hope Foundation | The Compassion Advocacy Network |
Elmer Back Gifting Center Inc | The DeGood Foundation |
Enduring Keys, Inc. | The Doorways |
FACT (Families Of Autistic Children Of Tidewater Inc.) | The E&B Giveback Foundation |
Faith Recovery | The Genieve Shelter |
Fear 2 Freedom | The Gloucester Mathews Care Clinic |
Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia | The Governor’s School for the Arts Foundation |
ForKids, Inc | The Legacy of HOPE Foundation |
Freekind | The Mariner’s Museum |
Girl Scouts Of The Colonial Coast | The Nasia Foundation |
Gloucester Housing Partnership, Inc. | The Salvation Army Virginia Peninsula |
Gloucester United Emergency Shelter Team | The Union Mission |
Grove Christian Outreach Center | The Virginia Air and Space Center |
Grow Foundation, Inc. | The Virginia Arts Festival Inc |
Habitat for Humanity of South Hampton Roads | The Wes Strong Foundation |
Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg | THRIVE Peninsula, Inc. |
Hampton Baptist Church, SAME- So All May Eat | Tidewater Chapter, Boy Scouts of America |
Hampton Ecumenical Lodging And Provisions Inc | Tidewater Friends Of Foster Care |
Hampton Educational Foundation | Tidewater Youth Services Foundation |
Hampton Roads Chamber Foundation | Transitions Family Violence Services |
Hampton Roads Community Action Program | United Way of South Hampton Roads |
Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance | United Way of the Virginia Peninsula |
Hampton Roads Pride | VersAbility Resources |
Hampton Roads Refugee Relief Inc. | Virginia Beach Economic Development |
Hampton Roads Urban Agriculture | Virginia Beach Education Foundation |
Hampton University | Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse |
Heart of Giving | Virginia League For Planned Parenthood Inc |
HER Shelter | Virginia Peninsula Community College Educational Foundation |
Here for the Girls | Virginia Peninsula Crime Stoppers Inc |
Hope House | Virginia Peninsula Foodbank |
Hope Vibes | Virginia Supportive Housing |
Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads | Voices for Kids CASA Program of Southeast Virginia |
Housing Partnerships | We Share A Common Thread Foundation |
Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads | Wesley Community Service Center Inc |
Lackey Clinic | Western Tidewater Free Clinic |
Langley Civic Leaders Association | Williamsburg Area Meals-On-Wheels Inc |
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Williamsburg House of Mercy |
LGBT Life Center | Youth Volunteer Corps of Hampton Roads |
LINK of Hampton Roads | YWCA South Hampton Roads |